Thursday, June 25, 2009

"The 10 Commandments Of Weight Loss Success"


America's tragic 96% weight loss failure rate is due to widespread misunderstanding about what works, what doesn't, and why. This is also why we gain back a heartbreaking 95% of the pounds we manage to lose. Here are 10 guidelines to get your weight loss program on the right track! A major new clinical research study, involving more than 14,000 people and spanning some 16 years, has allowed us to identify what does--and what definitely does not--
lead to safe, struggle-free, lasting weight loss.

As a result, we now know
"The 10 Commandments Of Weight Loss Success.
"Commandment #1: Get The Facts Before You Act!
Be certain that whatever you do is based on
real data, not on hype and wild claims. Recent
research has revealed a wealth of new insights

into what works--and what doesn't. Some prime
- An astonishing 96% of weight loss attempts fail.
- We gain back a tragic 95% of all the pounds we lose.
- Dieting is worse than useless. It's counterproductive.
- Relying on will power often leads to weight gain.

- Most of the reasons we're overweight have nothing
to do with food or diet.
- But, not being aware of these simple truths, people
turn to food-based approaches like dieting--and fail
by the millions.

Commandment #2. Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals.
Your "target weight" must be based in reality, not
fantasy. If you're trying to look like Barbie or Ken

(or Pamela Anderson or "Arnold,") you are in
Fantasyland--and in danger as well. Make your
goal to be healthy...not "perfect.

"Commandment #3. Beware Diet Industry "Solutions.
"Failed diets cause tremendous amounts of
unnecessary suffering. Yet we still turn to dieting
and other heavily-promoted "solutions" because th
e Diet Industry still pushes them relentlessly.
Climbing out from under their avalanche of misinformation
is "Weight Loss Job #1.

"Commandment #4. Understand That Weight Loss
Success Is NOT About FoodBeing overweight is actually
not "the problem," but a physical symptom of a non-physical
problem. In other words, the excess weight you can see is
only a symptom of a problem you can't see. We fail
because we can't solve problems by attacking symptoms,
but only by dealing with the real, root causes of obesity.

Commandment #5. Know Who You Are Losing Weight
ForWho are you really trying to please or impress by
losing weight? The only acceptable person to lose weight
for is you. If your goal is to please or impress anyone else,
you are already in trouble. Getting to your healthiest
weight is one thing in life that really should be "all about you.

"Commandment #6. Get Your Whole Being Involved"
Body-only" or "food-oriented" weight loss approaches are
doomed from the start. For lasting weight loss, you must
involve your "whole" being -- your body, mind, and spirit.
See weight loss success as a 3-legged stool. If even one leg
is missing, the stool will collapse--no matter how sturdy
the other two legs are. To succeed, you must involve and
align all three aspects of yourself toward your weight loss goals.

Commandment #7. Be Very Careful What You Put In
Your MouthDiet drugs, pills, and "metabolizers" are, at best
short-term fixes. At worst, they can be deadly. Weight loss pills
not only breed dependency, but the minute you stop, you
"Yo-Yo" back to your original weight--or higher.
And just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it's healthy.
Nature is full of things that can kill humans and other animals.
(Amazon tribes count on it!)

Commandment #8. Have A Realistic
Time FrameTrying to lose more than 1-2 pounds per week sets
you up to get sick, to fail, to be miserable, and probably all of the
above. "Losing 10 pounds in 2 days" is very unlikely and very
unhealthy. You didn't put on your unwanted pounds in a hurry.
Don't try to take them off that way.

Commandment #9. You MUST "Tune Up" Your
Colon For Long-Term HealthPoor colon function
is epidemic, dangerous, and is a primary factor in
excess weight. Too little exercise, too much protein,
fat, sugar, salt, alcohol, nicotine, and not much fiber
adds up to lousy colon function--causing discomfort
, sluggish digestion, poor nutrient assimilation,
heartburn, gas, allergies, even cancer.
Fortunately, colon function is easy, inexpensive
(and very rewarding) to correct. (For more details
about the crucial importance of colon health,

Commandment #10. See Effort and Struggle As
"Red Flags"Fact: Nearly everyone who stays at
their target weight year after year uses a proven
"success recipe" that makes success struggle-free
and virtually effortless. Only a few researchers are
aware of this. And you can be sure you won't hear
it from the Diet Industry.
Dr. Frank B. Smoot, MA, DD, is a professional
weight loss coach and counselor, author of dozens
of related articles, and creator of several highly
effective weight loss programs, including "Get
Motivated For Life!" and "Weight Loss God's Way."
He is available at

Watch this movie Dr Keller renound scientist talks
about Maxgxl Glutathion replacement and how it
affects our body.Incredible weight loss product h
e has developed called Maxwxl natural weight loss
through control of subtance called Lepitin

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