Monday, August 17, 2009

Important Discovery The Master Antioxident


The Breakthrough

In 1994, Dr. Robert H. Keller founded The BIODORON Institute of Advanced Medicine, a state-of-the-art medical clinic specializing in cutting-edge treatment for immune system disorders and anti-aging.

After reviewing subject lab results for years, Dr. Keller noticed a trend. He kept seeing significantly low levels of uric acid in subjects with immune disorders. He decided to explore this finding, and his initial research concluded that uric acid is the last antioxidant at the body's disposal when all the normal antioxidants have been exhausted.

As Dr. Keller has always been a strong advocate of nutrition, he went back in the literature, seeking the answer to one question: If uric acid is the body's last defense, then what is the first? His investigation led him to a substance called glutathione.

Glutathione (GSH): The Master Antioxidant

Dr. Keller discovered that the most prevalent, powerful and multifunctional antioxidant in the human body – employed by every organ – is glutathione.

Glutathione (GSH) is a small protein produced naturally in our cells if the requisite precursors are present. It functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. Our glutathione level actually indicates our state of health and can predict longevity. It has been suggested that in the future, GSH levels will be closely monitored. There are over 70,000 medical articles currently published on GSH, yet most health professionals have only a vague idea of its significance. In the near future, the importance of glutathione will be widely recognized.

The Test

After learning of the importance of GSH, Dr. Keller needed to test the hypothesis that the levels of GSH in subjects with immune disorders were, in fact, severely diminished. To get a current and accurate gauge of a subject's GSH level, Dr. Keller knew the test must measure GSH inside of lymphocytes (white blood cells); however, no such lab test existed.

Using a state-of-the-art medical laboratory, Dr. Keller and his team of scientists developed a proprietary lab test to measure levels of GSH inside the lymphocytes.

The tests confirmed the hypothesis. People who are stressed, aging, lacking sleep, or with any prolonged illness utilize glutathione at an accelerated rate resulting in decreased bodily stores, weakened defenses, and increased risk of illnesses including accelerated aging.

The Challenge

It was clear that the GSH levels needed to be replenished in these subjects. But how? Glutathione is produced naturally from three amino acids: glycine, glutamine, and cysteine. These essential precursors of GSH must be able to make it from the mouth to the gut, then through the cells walls and subsequently the mitochondrial membrane. Therein lies the challenge.

Unfortunately, raising our body's glutathione levels is extremely difficult for two reasons. Eating enough glutathione-rich foods only works in an idealized world where stress, deadlines and fast food are not factors. Orally supplementing glutathione is a good idea, but just not practical. The fragile tripeptide structure of glutathione makes surviving the digestive tract a near impossibility.

The Solution:

After years of research and development, Dr. Keller created MaxGXL, a product containing the necessary components of glutathione that when absorbed into the body; stimulate the body’s own production of glutathione in every cell of the body.

"Glutathione circulates constantly throughout your body neutralizing free radicals and removing dangerous waste products and toxins from your system while increasing your level of energy. When your Glutathione level is high, your overall health is high. You feel good and you look good. You fight off minor illnesses quickly, you have plenty of energy, and you feel mentally and physically alert... you’re at an optimal level of good health."
- Alan Pressman, DC, Phd, CCN

"GSH (Gluathione) is the unsung antioxidant…the one that makes all the others work."
- Robert C. Atkins, MD (Founder of The Atkins Center)

"Glutathione promotes longevity, protects the body against heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, and boosts the immune system strength and is useful fighting autoimmune diseases and other health problems of older adults."
- Dr. Gutman, MD

Did you know glutathione is the most powerful, prevalent antioxidant in your body? Increasing your glutathione level will naturally increase your energy, detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system.

MaxGXL’s® Patent Pending Formula Dramatically Increases Intracellular GSH.
MaxGXL provides the proper nutrients needed to promote the body's own ability to manufacture and absorb glutathione. MaxGXL also aids in liver support, thus helping the liver to function as the main production site and storehouse for glutathione.

Increasing Age and Other Factors Reduce the Body’s Production and Utilization of GSH. Research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Research shows that GSH levels decline by 8% to 12% per decade, beginning at the age of 20. Levels of glutathione are further reduced by continual stress upon the immune system such as illness, infection, and environmental toxins. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.

Supplements Containing Glutathione Alone Will NOT Increase The Body’s GSH Levels. It is pointless to purchase supplements that merely contain glutathione, because the digestive system breaks down ingested glutathione and it will not be absorbed into your system. On the other hand, MaxGXL™ provides the proper nutrients needed to promote the body's own ability to manufacture and absorb glutathione. MaxGXL™ also aids in liver support by destroying environmental poisons helping the liver to function as the main production site and storehouse for glutathione.

See Interview with Dr. Keller on MaxGXL

Read Independent Lab Results on MaxGXL

The impotance of Glutathion is supported by Dr kellers findings and are clinically proven.Glutathion is in every cell in our body .Very consentrated in our organs .Our Skin and eyes are mostly Glutathion.The president of the AMA has stated it is the biggest discovery for maintinence of your body.It makes perfect sense then that is why so many people get sick around the age of 50 or before .Maxgxl replenises Glutathion and then fights off free radicals detoxifies and more.Here are some cnn news clips to read from prominent Doctors.

"Glutathione circulates constantly throughout your body neutralizing free radicals and removing dangerous waste products and toxins from your system while increasing your level of energy. When your Glutathione level is high, your overall health is high. You feel good and you look good. You fight off minor illnesses quickly, you have plenty of energy, and you feel mentally and physically alert... you’re at an optimal level of good health."
- Alan Pressman, DC, Phd, CCN

"GSH (Gluathione) is the unsung antioxidant…the one that makes all the others work."
- Robert C. Atkins, MD (Founder of The Atkins Center)

"Glutathione promotes longevity, protects the body against heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, and boosts the immune system strength and is useful fighting autoimmune diseases and other health problems of older adults."
- Dr. Gutman, MD

There however a misnomer that the productt he developed is Glutathion, it is not it is a product that replenishes Glutathion .Studies have shown that from the age of 20 we start to lose Glutathion at a rate of 10% to 15% per decade so by the time we are 50 years old we have lost about 50% of our Glutathion production.It makes perfect sense then at mid age why so many people get sick with Cancers heart disease and many other illnesses that could be prevented.

We now have a product taken through capsules that every Human on the planet can take to ward of diseseses.Do you not look after your Finances of course we do but Millions of people are complacent about their Health, if your not healthy all the money in the world will not do you any good.We are entering a time of prevention before diseses take hold.My opinion is protect yourself .Look feel and live to the Max.

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Author Helmut Weiss

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